JavaScript: How to get value from nested form in iframe?

Aug 12, 2004  • Javascript  • HTML

When dealing with nested forms within an iframe, retrieving form values can be challenging. Here’s an updated guide to simplify the process.

Main Page (PageOne.html)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Main Page</title>
        function getFormValue() {
            const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe[name="PageTwo"]');
            const iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
            const formValue = iframeDoc.querySelector('form[name="Members"] input[name="Search"]').value;
    <button onclick="getFormValue()">Get Value</button>
    <iframe name="PageTwo" src="PageTwo.html" width="100%" height="100"></iframe>

Nested Page (PageTwo.html)

<form name='Members'>
    <input type='text' name='Search' value='Chris'>


  • HTML Structure: The main page contains a button and an iframe. The nested page includes a form with an input field.
  • JavaScript Function: getFormValue accesses the iframe, retrieves the nested document, and extracts the value from the form input field.
  • Compatibility: This approach works across modern browsers.


By utilizing modern JavaScript methods, you can easily access nested form values within iframes, enhancing the interactivity of your web applications.