JavaScript: How to get value from nested form in iframe?

When dealing with nested forms within an iframe, retrieving form values can be challenging. Here’s an updated guide to simplify the process.

Main Page (PageOne.html)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Main Page</title>
        function getFormValue() {
            const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe[name="PageTwo"]');
            const iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
            const formValue = iframeDoc.querySelector('form[name="Members"] input[name="Search"]').value;
    <button onclick="getFormValue()">Get Value</button>
    <iframe name="PageTwo" src="PageTwo.html" width="100%" height="100"></iframe>

Nested Page (PageTwo.html)

<form name='Members'>
    <input type='text' name='Search' value='Chris'>


  • HTML Structure: The main page contains a button and an iframe. The nested page includes a form with an input field.
  • JavaScript Function: getFormValue accesses the iframe, retrieves the nested document, and extracts the value from the form input field.
  • Compatibility: This approach works across modern browsers.


By utilizing modern JavaScript methods, you can easily access nested form values within iframes, enhancing the interactivity of your web applications.