.NET: Why do we need to handle the RowUpdated event of our DataAdapter in order to reflect the ID in a Primary/Foriegn key relationship??
Aug 23, 2004 • .NET • Visual BasicWhy do we need to handle the RowUpdated event of our DataAdapter in order to reflect the ID in a Primary/Foreign key relationship?? Well, anyway here is a page that tells you how to do this.
AddHandler daChargeAttendance.RowUpdated, AddressOf FeeChargeAttendanceRowUpdated
Private Sub FeeChargeRowUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs)
Dim oCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT @@IDENTITY", e.Command.Connection)
e.Row("ID") = oCmd.ExecuteScalar()
End Sub