ASP.NET 2.0: It's extremely easy to add Ajax support using 'Atlas'
Apr 8, 2006 • ASP.NETSince ASP.NET “Atlas” has a Go Live license, I decided to check it out. I looked at the quick start samples and a short video that Scott Guthrie posted on using “Atlas”. I’ve done some cool things with Ajax in Classic ASP and ASP.NET by hand coding all the JavaScript myself. Now with “Atlas” it’s extremely simple to do, and you don’t even need to know JavaScript to add Ajax support to your existing applications! It couldn’t be easier to do. I can’t wait to dig in to the more advanced features of “Atlas”.
I don’t have an excuse anymore not to add Ajax to my blog. Time consuming? Not anymore!
Scott Guthrie’s Blog: Pointers to Great ASP.NET Atlas Content