IIS7: Better Url Mapping support, well not yet...

Jul 20, 2006  • Windows  • ASP.NET

Recently, I search for articles/documentation about Url Mapping in IIS7, but I couldn’t find anything. So, I asked Scott on his blog, “What features does IIS7 offer for Url Mapping?”

Scott replied with the following:

The core IIS7 release provides all the infrastructure to do URL rewriting for all resources (ASP.NET, ASP, PHP, HTML, etc).

The Vista release won’t have a URL rewriting rules engine built-in – although we are looking at making one available as a download in the future.

I was going to enhance my urlMapping code to mirror whatever new features are to come, but apparently there wont be any soon. Oh well, I guess I just have time to work on something else for now.