jHash: Easily Manage Browser History / window.location.hash
Nov 26, 2010 • Open SourceWhen building Ajax-based web applications it can be difficult to get the web browsers back and forward buttons to work appropriately for each client-side state change. I recently published the new jHash library that can help alleviate this issue.
Put simply: jHash allows you to easily be notified when the window.location.hash
changes. It also allows you to easily store/retrieve values from the hash in a similar fashion to server-side query string values.
GitHub project: https://github.com/crpietschmann/jHash
JavaScript Framework Support (jQuery, Prototype, etc.)
The library lives entirely within the “jHash” namespace so it can be used along with any JavaScript framework (jQuery, Prototype, etc.) you choose.
Receive Hash Change Notifications
The library primarily uses the window.onhashchange
event to allow for hash change notifications to be raises. However, since the onhashchange
event is only supported by newer web browsers (mainly Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.6), the library also implements a fall back mechanism using window.setInterval
to monitor the window.location.hash
for changes in older web browsers that do not support this event.
To set a function to be called/notified when the hash changes, you just pass it to jHash using jHash.change
You can also remove a function from being notified by calling jHash.unbind
Below are examples of both of these:
// Add "onhashchange" handler
// hash changed - do something
// Create a function and set it to be called
// on the "onhashchange" event
function myHashChanged(){
// do something
// Set "myHashChanged" to be called when
// the "onhashchange" event is fired
// Remove "myHashChanged" from being
// called when "onhashchange" is fired
Retrieving the Hash Values
To retrieve values from the location.hash
you use the jHash.root
and jHash.val
Here’s a sample URL with Hash:
jHash allows you to have both a root
element and query
values stored in the hash. In the above example, then root
is SomeAnchor
and the query values are page=4&name=Chris
The query values are prefixed with a question mark (?
) and delimited with an ampersand (&
) just like server-side query string values to keep things familiar.
Here are some examples of using jHash to parse the above hash value to retrieve its values:
/* ---- Get the root ---- */
var root = jHash.root();
// root now equals "SomeAnchor"
/* ---- Get query values ---- */
var page = jHash.val("page");
// page now equals "4"
var name = jHash.val("name");
// name now equals "Chris"
One thing to not about the jHash.val
function is that the key of the query value is not case sensitive. The following will also work:
var page = jHash.val("PaGe");
var name = jHash.val("Name");
Setting the Hash Values
To set values and consequentially change the location.hash
, you can use the same jHash.root
and jHash.value
Here are some examples of using jHash to set/change values within the location.hash
// Set the root
// Set some query values
jHash.val("page", 4);
jHash.val("name", "Chris");
// The resulting Hash value is:
// "#SomeAnchor?page=4&name=Chris"
The previous example will set the hash to the same end result as the shown previously for retrieving hash values.
Removing Hash Query Values
Sometimes you may want to remove a query value from the hash. jHash handles this using the jHash.remove
Here’s an example of using it to remove the query value for the key name
// Remove "name" query value from hash
Set Hash Query Values from an Object / Dictionary
The jHash.set
function allows you to set both the root
and query
values while overwriting any existing hash values. This function is actually used internally with the library by the root
and val
functions. This allows you to easily set either just the query
values or both the root
and query
values with only a single line of code.
Here are a couple examples:
// Set just the root value
// Set both root and query values from object / dictionary
jHash.set("SomeAnchor", { page: 4, name: "Chris" });
When using the jHash.set
method it is important to remember that it completely overwrites any previous “root” or “query” values stored in the hash.
Fluent Interface
The jHash functions also implement a fluent interface; meaning they return the jHash object. This allows you to chain multiple calls together in a single line of code.
Here’s an example:
jHash.change(someFunction).root("myRoot").val("page", 5).val("name", "Chris");
I searched for some good libraries for doing this type of thing before I began writing jHash. As you have probably assumed, I did not find anything that quite fit my liking. Consequentially, we can all enjoy having jHash to use in our applications if desired.