IronJSMVC: Script ASP.NET MVC in JavaScript using IronJS

Jan 21, 2012  • .NET

Personally, I enjoy writing much of my applications using a statically typed language such as C#. However, I would really prefer to be able to write UI logic and script certain parts of my applications using a dynamic language if I could. I was thinking about this and the following question came to mind:

What would it be like to write an ASP.NET MVC application entirely using JavaScript?

So I thought I’d work up a prototype using IronJS (a javascript implementation for the .NET DLR.)

Download IronJSMVC prototype source code here:

Here’s a screenshot of the prototype code running, also showing a sample Controller and View written entirely in JavaScript:


I was just looking at the source code for IronJSMVC that I posted on github last September and I realized that I never posted about it here.