jHash v2.0 Released: Now with Routing Support!

May 1, 2012  • Open Source

jHash is a small, lightweight (4kb minified / 2kb compressed) javascript library that makes it extremely easy to work with location.hash. Version 1.0 had the ability to set / retrieve hash root values as well as “hash querystring” values. The newly released version 2.0 includes a new lightweight routing engine that facilitates an easier developer experience when building Single Page Applications.

The jHash documentation contains full descriptions of the libraries methods and their usage.

Get jHash Here: https://github.com/crpietschmann/jHash

Easily work with “location.hash”

Here are some simple examples of setting and retrieving hash “root” and “querystring” values:

// URL:
// http://localhost/page.htm#SomeValue?name=Chris&location=Wisconsin

// get "root" hash value
var root = jHash.root(); // returns "SomeValue"

// get "name" hash querystring value
var name = jHash.val('name'); // returns "Chris"

// get "location" hash querystring value
var loc = jHash.val('location'); // return "Wisconsin"

// set new individual query string value
jHash.val('name', 'Steve');

// set all new query string hash values
    name: 'Steve',
    location: 'Montana'

Easy “location.hash” Routing with jHash

Hash routes are a technique that can be used to build Single Page Applications more easily. The Routing implementation contained within jHash works so you can declare Route Patterns in a similar fashion to ASP.NET Routes.

The “Using jHash Routes article in the jHash documentation” contains full descriptions and examples on how to use jHash Routes.

Here’s a short code sample that shows how to add a simple hash route handler and a sample Hash value that will match the route specified:

// Hash that would match this Route Pattern
// #Wisconsin/Milwaukee

    function () {
        var stateName = this.state;
        // stateName will equal 'Wisconsin'

        var cityName = this.city;
        // cityName will equal 'Milwaukee'