C#: What is the difference between 'string' and System.String?

Apr 16, 2024  • C#

In C#, understanding the nuances between string and System.String is helpful when writing efficient and maintainable code. This may seem like a non-issue, and in most cases it really isn’t that important to understand. However, there are times when understanding the differences and relationship between string and System.String can be important.

While they might seem interchangeable at first, they serve distinct purposes and have implications for coding practices. This article looks at the differences between them and explains the best practices associated with the usage of each.

What is string?

In C#, ‘string’ is a keyword that represents a data type used to store a sequence of characters. It’s one of the most commonly used data types and is employed extensively for manipulating textual data. When you declare a variable using the ‘string’ keyword, you’re essentially creating an instance of the System.String class.

string str1 = "Hello World!";

Also, when using the var keyword, the C# compiler will auto-detect the type appropriately. Here’s an example using var that will compile to identical code to the above example:

var str1 = "Hello World!";

What is System.String?

On the other hand, System.String is a class in the .NET Framework that represents a string of characters. It provides various methods and properties for string manipulation and comparison. In C#, when you use the string keyword, you’re implicitly utilizing the System.String class behind the scenes.

System.String str2 = "Hello World!";

If the code includes a using reference to the System namespace, then String (with the capital S) can be used instead of System.String. Here’s an example of this:

String str2 = "Hello World!";

How are they used?

Both string and System.String can be used interchangeably to define variables that store text data. In fact, you’ll see in documentation and tutorials the use of string as the way to declare a string variable.

Here’s a simple example illustrating the usage of both:

string str1 = "Hello"; // Using 'string' keyword
System.String str2 = "World"; // Using System.String class directly

Most commonly you’ll use and see the string keyword used rather than explicitly using the System.String class. In fact, the use of string is actually a shorthand for System.String. As a result, when the C# compiler encounters string, it will automatically use the System.String class.

Since, these can be used interchangeable, you can easily assign a string or System.String variable to one declared with the other seamlessly. Here’s an example of this:

string str1 = "Hello";
System.String str2;

str2 = str1;
// str2 will equal "Hello"

str2 = str1 + " World!";
// str2 will equal "Hello World!"

Tip: In C#, the string keyword is an alias for System.String that the C# compiler automatically knows how to interpret.

Casting from one to the other can be done as well. However, while this may not be very practical in your code, it’s still possible to do. Here’s an example of this:

var str1 = "Hello";
System.String str2 = (string)str1;

str1 = (System.String)str2;

Since C# is case sensitive, remember that string (all lowercase) and String (with capital S) are two different declarations. Here’s an example of this:

// include the `System` namespace
using System;

// lowercase is `string` shorthand
string = str1 = "Hello";

// capitalized `S` is shorthand for `System.String`
String str2 = "World";

Why do they both exist?

The existence of both string and System.String can be attributed to syntactic sugar and historical reasons. The string keyword provides a convenient shorthand for declaring string variables without explicitly referencing the System.String class. It enhances readability and reduces verbosity in code. On the other hand, System.String represents the underlying implementation of strings in .NET, and it also exposes various methods and operations for string manipulation.

Best Practice Recommendation

While both string and System.String can be used interchangeably, it’s generally recommended to stick with the string keyword for consistency and improved readability. Using string aligns with common coding conventions and makes the code more understandable for other developers. Additionally, it allows the C# compiler to abstract away the implementation details of the System.String class. It’s best to rely on syntactical sugar like this, so you can benefit from the code improvements that the C# compiler may offer.

Best Practice: It’s best practice to use the string keyword when declaring string variables if var is not being used.

However, there might be rare scenarios where you need to explicitly use System.String, such as when dealing with reflection or interoperating with legacy code. In these cases, it’s acceptable to use System.String, but it’s best to be sure to only do so if absolutely necessary.


While string and System.String may seem like two sides of the same coin, understanding their differences and knowing when to use each can be helpful for writing clean, maintainable, and efficient C# code.